Are you too sinking with the ship named confidence? Does it seem like you are the last one to reach the cross line of the marathon race? It is baffling to understand how people around you are not scared at all to speak up, or to do what is called extraordinary. My friend, it is time to comprehend the true meaning of confidence which, when acquired, is applauded by the world for its presence.
The race to become something under societal pressure and not for yourself will go on aggressively down to the wire. What a complicated situation it has created. And maybe you are one of the participants. So, decide to stop harping on the same string and try to explore. It requires you to venture into every opportunity that comes before you, whether you have done that before or not.
Take a resolution, not to limit your capabilities, and to keep them undefined. Do not pull out all your eggs in one basket by focusing on just one thing. Maybe, one day when you lie down on your bed and think back to what you have gained in your life, you will notice that you have accomplished being several other things rather than that one ambiguous thing you wanted to be.
- You Are The Champion, You!
Do not depend on anyone for anything to become independent of your thoughts and decisions. Take responsibility for your actions, whatever the consequences may be. They might not always turn as you expected, but that is never the end. When you sit on rides, you are indefinite of your experiences. Some are fun and exciting, whereas some are petrifying. What matters is that you sat in that ride, cracked it, and now you can mark that ride done in your bucket list.Accepting yourself is the crux of your confidence. The first rule is to stop comparing yourself with anybody. You are the hero/heroine of your life. You are the pivot around which your life rotates so, do not let the society replace you. Create an impenetrable wall between you and all the negative opinions of the world because when you do that, you will reach where you want to be. And those people will stand at the same level catching someone else as their prey.
- Fight Your Fear Of Failure
What you learn now will guide you to the door of confidence. You have to read it, confine it within yourself, and practice it every time you lose yourself in the crowd to open that door. The struggling barrier to our confidence is the fear of failure.When you work hard, you will not reach success without any hurdles. It is the flavor of life that will never forget to leave the taste behind. So, why not get comfortable with it rather than avoiding it? If you get bent out of shape at your very first failure, there is no way you can move forward.Do not stop yourself at one, tenth, hundredth, or million failure, carry on with that passion in your heart. Every successful man living on this Earth has fought against their defeat and are yet fighting more because it is a never-ending cycle.How do you learn if you do not fail? Failures urge you to recognize the areas where you need to evolve. You learn massively from your failures besides success. Be honest with yourself about the reasons that are holding you back. Each one of us is like Phoenix though very few can understand this capability that we possess. Even if you fail, the most you will have to do is start again and rise from the ashes, and this time you are more experienced. Hence, there is nothing to lose.Love your success unconditionally that you do not fear to fail a hundred times to achieve that one success. An infant tries so hard to walk or to start talking just like everyone around him/her. They try several times and fail repeatedly, yet this doesn’t stop them. One day they learn the art of speaking and walking. So, regenerate the infant inside you who never feared any failure but only worked hard to achieve his/her goal.
- Love Yourself = Confidence
Confidence emerges from self-love. When you love and accept yourself with all your flaws, confidence will itself flow within you. Do not let the opinions of people affect your behavior. Introspect so that you know yourself so well that you will not require to ask someone to help you with it. Why aim for perfection? No one can attain perfectionism because no one knows the meaning of it until a standard is made. You will make errors but only to learn. Let the power to control you be in your hands. There will be several good qualities in you, discover them, utilize them. And you will find a real feather in your cap.And since it is rightly said, ‘you either succeed or you learn.’ so remove the word failure from your dictionary. Get acquainted with learning as it is an infinite part of our life. And the next time you need a capsule for confidence, brush up yourself with this message again.